Fachschaft Anglistik




Here you have the opportunity to directly influence the university policy developments at LMU that directly affect you. This is because - unlike other elections - the group of eligible voters is very small, and every vote counts. Without an elected Fachschaft representation, you have no voice at LMU!

How does it work?

In the university elections, students vote for the Fachschaft of their main subject. Attention: students of education (Lehramt) can only vote in one of their two main subjects. The faculty where one is eligible to vote is indicated on the student ID card. (A change can be requested from the electoral office.) To vote on the two election days, the student ID card is sufficient; postal voting can be requested from the electoral office with the corresponding section in the leporello.

For the Fachschaft elections, electoral lists are drawn up - in many subjects, however, the active Fachschaft members run on one list. In addition, in some subjects, there are lists from political university groups that do not necessarily work within the Fachschaften. The easiest way is to check off an entire list. Then the first candidates on the list each receive a vote. You can also distribute votes within a list - but this only makes sense if there are more people on a list than a single voter has votes, or if you want to position a particular person better or worse. Distributing votes to individuals from different lists is not allowed.

University Elections 2023

We would like to thank everyone who has placed their trust (and their vote) in the Fachschaft Anglistik during the university elections.

Elected Members 2023

  1. Laura Schatzl
  2. Moni Seremesic
  3. Marie Schwarz
  4. Carlo Gaetani
  5. Charlotte Seidel
  6. Chrissy Piroch
  7. Janina Hettasch